MSA Memorial Tournament 2022 – 6U RULES

The Cal Ripken League/Tournament rules and regulations as stated in the rule book are applicable with the following exceptions/revisions:

Game Play

Game length
Standard game is six innings (5 ½ if the home team is ahead) with no new inning will begin after play has lasted 75 minutes for pool games or 90 minutes for elimination games. If home team is ahead and time expires, the game is over immediately when the home team comes to bat or is already at bat. Any runs scored in that incomplete inning count towards the final score. Championship game will have no time limit. Ties are allowed in pool play. Standard extra innings will be played in elimination games

Run Limits
When a sixth run of any inning is scored, the inning shall be considered over, even if the team batting has less than 3 outs assessed against them. Game is over when a team has 7 run lead after 5 innings (4 and ½ for home team), 10 run lead after 4 innings (3 and ½ for home team) or 15 run lead after 3 innings (2 and ½ innings for the home team).

Time out request
In accordance with the rules of baseball, time out is requested by a coach/player, and then granted by the umpire, at umpire’s discretion. Before a timeout shall be granted to the defensive team in a live ball situation, the defense must cause the offense to cease play (i.e. force the base runner(s) into a non-advancing situation). At the umpire’s discretion, play may be stopped if in the judgment of the umpire there is an injury to a player. He would then award runner/batter bases accordingly and to the best of his judgment.

Will be ruled on immediately by the acting Tournament Director on site.

Ejections during a game are for the remainder of that game and the next game. Additional punitive action may be imposed at the discretion of the acting Tournament Director.


All rostered players will be presented in a complete batting order, and that list will be presented to the umpire at the start of each game. Any team with less than 10 batters will take an out each time the 10th batter is scheduled to bat. Any player who arrives late to a game may be entered into the lineup occupying the last spot in the lineup.

At Bat
Each batter will be allowed to swing at the ball until they hit a ball in fair territory or have three complete misses of the ball or four foul balls. A strike shall be called if the bat hits the tee without hitting the ball. (Balls and strikes are treated the same as regular Cal Ripken Baseball rules). A 25′ arc will be marked in front of home plate to indicate foul or dead ball area. .A batted ball that does not reach the 25′ arc marked in front of home plate and is not fielded by a defensive player is considered a dead ball and considered a foul ball. If a defensive player touches a batted ball before it crosses the 25′ line and before the umpire declares the ball dead, it becomes a live ball. An offensive coach is permitted around home plate, in a position determined by the umpire in charge. Coach will set the Tee for the batters and assist with Tee when necessary. Coach may position player in the batter’s box. There will be no on deck batters.

Stealing will not be permitted, and all base runners must remain in contact with the base until the ball is hit. When the ball is live, base runners can advance as many bases as possible, until the play is called dead by the umpire. When a play is dead and which bases runners are entitled when play is declared over is at the umpire’s judgement.


Defensive players/ coaches’ position
There shall be ten players on the defense. A maximum of six players including the catcher can play in the infield. Outfielders must start play in the outfield grass. Two defensive coaches will be allowed on the field. Coaches must be positioned and remain in foul territory at least 15′ beyond first and third base. If any coach attempts to intimidate, coerce or otherwise negatively affect the op posing team, they will be removed from the field/game at the umpire’s discretion.

Pitchers are required to have at least one foot in the pitcher s circle until the ball is hit. The pitcher does not have to make a pitching motion before batter swings at ball.

Defensive play
There will be no infield fly rule.
Play ends when there are no more baserunners or lead runner is stopped and the umpire calls time out. See Tome out Request above for more detail.


  • Head to Head (Will only apply if all teams tied played each other)
  • Runs Allowed
  • Run Differential
  • Coin Flip (Odds and Evens if more than 2 teams)